YWAM Discipleship Bible School
The Discipleship Bible School (DBS) is a 12-week introduction to the Bible where you receive an overview of “God’s story” by reading the entire Bible, observing the chronology of biblical events, looking at the historical context/the genres of literature, and major themes found in these 66 books.
Topics in DBS generally follow through the books that you are chronologically studying. For example – you will look at Worldview and Origins as you study through Genesis, Exodus, and Job. Or you might look at Leadership and Worship as you study the life of David in 1 & 2 Samuel, Chronicles, and the Psalms. Or during the study of Acts and Paul’s missionary journeys you might study Cross-cultural Missions and the Cost of the Call. Each book is filled with insights to be discovered!
One of the first things we learn in the DTS is: “To know God and to make Him known.” Yet one cannot possibly claim to know God if he/she does not know His Word. Our goal and prayer is that by the end of these 3 months of DBS the Bible will be your companion for LIFE!
DBS will give you a Biblical foundation that is essential to see the Kingdom of God coming today and now, as the prayer Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. He wants us to bring His kingdom for every nation, tongue and tribe.
We understand that it can sometimes be a little challenging to learn the Bible on your own, you do not need to do it by yourself! We are here to learn TOGETHER. You will have the opportunity to go deeper in His word with people from all around the world, making long life friends and having fun in the process of going from Genesis to Revelation in the beautiful city of Gold Coast.
*Applicants need to have completed a Discipleship Training School prior to acceptance into this course.
What Are the Dates?
July 18th, 2025 - October 15th, 2025
Optional Outreach October 16th - ?
February 2026
What Does it cost?
Lecture Phase is $4900 AUD